Fertilize the orchid like this, so thαt it ьlooms profusely αпd for α loпg time!


Fertilize the orchid like this, so thαt it ьlooms profusely αпd for α loпg time!

If you have orchids in your home, you probably want them to bloom profusely and for a ʟong time. These wonderful plants are ⱪnown for their splendid flowers, which they bear on their stems for 3-6 months. To take full advantage of this phenomenon, you need to properly care for, fertilize and irrigate your orchids. 

Read on to find out what the best orchid fertilizer is! If you apply it properly, your orchids will bloom wonderfully!


-5 tablespoons of white rice;

– stagnant water.


1.Place the rice in a small bowl. 

2.Pour still (room temperature) water over it. The water level in the bowl should be 5-6 cm.

3.Wash the rice in water with your hands as if preparing it for cooking.

4. Then strain the rice water.

5.Place the orchid in a small bowl and pour the rice water over its substrate. Let it hydrate and feed on the nutrients in the rice for about 60 minutes.

6.If you want, you can freeze the resulting water after the first washing of the rice that you are going to cook — in ice molds. Afterwards just take out some ice cubes and let them thaw. Wait until the water warms up to room temperature, then fertilize the orchid with it. Do not apply frozen water directly to its substrate, as orchids do not like the cold!

7. Fertilize the orchids with rice water once every 14 days.

Good at gardening!

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