It will mαke αll the flowers iп the gαrdeп or ьαlcoпy ьloom пoп-stop: do it 1 time α moпth


It will mαke αll the flowers iп the gαrdeп or ьαlcoпy ьloom пoп-stop: do it 1 time α moпth

How to make all the flowers bloom in the garden without εver taking a break? Just do this once εvery month: the method of εxpert nurserymen.

All the flowers in the garden blooming , colorful and fragrant but above all very healthy? Not only in the garden but also on the terrace, up to the plants on the balcony. With these methods of expert nurserymen, continuous and beautiful flowering can be achieved. It is based on only completely natural elements found at home. The beauty of these substances is being able to count on ingredients that are easy to find , cheap and certainly in favor of nature.

Method to make all the flowers bloom in the garden: the ingredients

Making all the flowers bloom in the garden and even on the balcony of your home has never been so easy. Even those who don’t have a green thumb will be able to have a colorful and fragrant space without any complications. This is a fertilizer that nourishes and nourishes plants thanks to the combination of natural ingredients which are:

  • 1 stick of brewer’s yeast;
  • 6 liters of natural water;
  • 6 egg shells.
Egg shells

Egg shells are normally thrown away as wet. Instead they should always be used as a nutrient for plants, as they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

The same goes for brewer’s yeast, organic and completely natural without the addition of artificial preservatives. Brewer’s yeast helps speed up the growth of plant roots and make flowers even more beautiful and colorful. In a short time the production of flowers increases, also helping in the decomposition of all the nutrients useful for the plants. Not only that, it helps to provide amino acids to plants, counteracting any type of attack by fungi and bacteria, promoting healthy growth.

brewer's yeast in plants - how to make all the flowers bloom

The advantages of these two ingredients coming together are:

  • Increasing fertility for the soil;
  • Counteracting the attack of fungi and bacteria;
  • Improved flower growth;
  • Accelerated growth.

Procedure and advice

First of all, take the six liters of natural water at room temperature and leave it to rest for a day. In the meantime, take the egg shells and pulverize them with the help of a blender. Once you have the shell powder, you can proceed.


The crushed brewer’s yeast and then the eggshell powder are introduced inside the bottle of water. Close the bottle and then shake vigorously so that all the ingredients mix together . The fertilizer is ready to be used.

Once a month, water all the plants with this substance , rich in vitamins and mineral salts. The properties will come into contact with the ground to be able to immediately see the results: beautiful, colorful and full of life flowers.

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